inheritance dispute 意味
- inheritance dispute
- inheritance inheritance n. 継承, 相続; 遺伝的体質; 遺産. 【動詞+】 Trustees were appointed to
- dispute 1dispute n. 議論; 争議, 紛争, けんか; 異論, 異議. 【動詞+】 They were able to accommodate
- dispute over the inheritance 遺産{いさん}を巡る争い
- by inheritance 相続によって
- inheritance inheritance n. 継承, 相続; 遺伝的体質; 遺産. 【動詞+】 Trustees were appointed to administer the child's inheritance. その子の相続財産を管理するために管財人が指名された claim one's inheritance 相続権を主張する collect one's inh
- a dispute a dispute 繋争 けいそう
- dispute 1dispute n. 議論; 争議, 紛争, けんか; 異論, 異議. 【動詞+】 They were able to accommodate their dispute. 紛争を和解させることができた adjust a dispute between the two parties at variance 反目する両者間の紛争を調停する adjust
- dispute on ~について論争{ろんそう}する
- dispute with ~との論争{ろんそう}
- in dispute 論争中{ろんそう ちゅう}の、係争中{けいそう ちゅう}の、未解決{みかいけつ}で Ownership of the islands is in [under] dispute. その島々の所有権は係争中である。
- in dispute with ~と論争中で、~と係争中で、~が未解決で
- in the dispute with (人)との論争{ろんそう}で
- to dispute to dispute 揉める もめる 言い争う いいあらそう 争う あらそう 諍う いさかう
- alternative inheritance 交代遺伝{こうたい いでん}
- autosomal inheritance 常染色体遺伝{じょう せんしょくたい いでん}
- the success of soun ' s arbitration due to his exceptional resourcefulness has been said to be the first step of his social climb; however , prevailing theory holds that he was ordered by sadachika and morisada to go to suruga to intervene in the imagawa clan ' s inheritance dispute .